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    Business Development Analyst

    Hong Kong

    Business Development Analyst

    • 202502042
    • Hong Kong
    • Fermeture le: mars 31 2025


    The role is for a Business Development Account Executive in Health & Benefits practice.  You will be an integral part of a team that drives business development for Health and Benefits solution, in a quality and efficient manner to our prospects in Hong Kong. 

    Performance Objectives:

    • Provide business development support to the team to drive growth in revenue.
    • Assist the business development team along the sales journey, including support work such as working with insurers or other providers in obtaining quotations and usage analytics, conducting cost, terms and conditions comparison. 
    • Support the business during a tender bidding process.
    • Support the onboarding of new clients including supporting KYC processes or other onboarding required work
    • Handle independently the complete sales process of SME sales opportunities
    • Support marketing campaigns with tasks such as managing event invitation lists, following up with participants and working with marketing team on event logistics
    • Work with business development and advisory team on survey projects, follow up with invitees to drive up the survey participation rate.
    • Follow-up with sales leads from sources such as marketing campaigns or survey participants; call up clients to identify client needs and information, such as their policy renewal date, current insurance policy information
    • Possess excellent communicational skills to convey, influence and persuade.


    • Communicate effectively with prospects and other H&B teams.
    • Attend team or prospect meetings as appropriate and present knowledgeable and professional image of WTW.
    • Ensure that clients’ business expectations are aligned with commitment at all times.


    • Assist the business development team in pipeline management 
    • Assist the business development team on preparing proposals and prospect presentation materials 


    • Work effectively within the team dynamic.
    • Recognize and communicate potential issues to team leader as appropriate; suggest viable solutions for improvement.


    The Requirements

    •    Bachelor’s degree 
    •    Relevant experience in Employee Benefits domain area is preferred, but not required.
    •    Experience of using a CRM system.
    •    Experience of working in a service focused environment.
    •    Ability to build rapport and respond confidently to customer queries.
    •    Strong verbal and written communication skills in English. Proficient Mandarin is preferred. 
    •    Ability to multi-task and be mindful of deadlines.
    •    Self-motivated and ability to remain focused on clients.
    •    Committed to quality and continuous improvement.
    •    Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.

    WTW is an Equal Opportunity Employer


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