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    Lead Associate, Account Manager, Health & Benefits, Taiwan

    Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan, 110

    Lead Associate, Account Manager, Health & Benefits, Taiwan

    • 202406417
    • Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan
    • Fermeture le: avr. 30 2025




    Perform financial analyses including developing pricing and employee contributions strategies, modelling plan design alternatives and calculating reserves

    Conduct benchmarking studies and other research; provide value added analyses and summaries

    Analyze and compare vendor products, services and contracts

    Design, distribute and evaluate responses to surveys and RFPs

    Communicate and liaise effectively with colleagues regarding data collection and project execution

    Prepare accurate and excellence deliverables which comply with our internal performance excellence SOP



    Build strong relationships internally and collaborate effectively on cross-functional teams

    Demonstrate natural ease and effectiveness when dealing with clients/colleagues at all levels



    Deliver excellent services and recommendations to meet or exceed client expectations

    Increase efficiency within client teams by identifying ways to improve processes



    Meet the yearly individula and team targets

    Contribute to sales and marketing efforts through your work on proposals and RFPs



    • Experience dealing with the financials of health and benefits plans, ideally gained in a benefit consulting/brokerage firm or health underwriting or actuarial function (pricing/valuation) of an insurance company; additional experience with life/disability plans desired.
    • Well organized and detail oriented
    • Strong written and verbal communication skills
    • Ability to ask the right questions and seek help where appropriate
    • Ability to respond to all communications effectively and in a timely manner
    • Flexibility and proven ability to diagnose and resolve issues; strong client service orientation
    • Ability to work both independently and on client teams and enjoy a fast-paced environment
    • Interest and ability to think beyond the task at hand and understand how one’s work fits into the broader landscape
    • Strong analytical and integrative skills including ability to draw conclusions and identify trends from data in a logical, systematic way
    • Excellent Microsoft Office skills, particularly in Excel and Power Point
    • Bachelor’s degree required
    • Basic/intermediate English ability in reading and writing is required. Ability to communicate in English fluently is a plus.


    Willis Towers Watson is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on any basis.  We support flexible working and this role will be considered on a flexible basis.

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