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    Certificate Processor Specialist

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Certificate Processor Specialist

    • 202500483
    • Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    • Fermeture le: avr. 30 2025


    Corporate Risk & Broking

    We know how companies can unlock potential through effective risk management.  Our clients rely on us to craft strategies to quantify, mitigate and transfer risk, taking advantage of our specialist industry experience and unparalleled market know-how.  The result is a new way of embracing risk that drives superior results.

    The Certificate Processors are responsible for accurately processing day-to-day certificates of Insurance, automobile liability cards, and servicing relationship with clients.

    The Role

    • Provides customer service for client managers and insured parties requesting certificate of insurance or auto identification cards
    • Reading & interpreting data to compare against policy guidelines
    • Operates in-house insurance account management computer system, spreadsheet software and word processing software to obtain insurance data and issue certificates
    • May review insurance contracts to determine type of certificate and required information
    • Initiates communication with Client Managers and others to obtain information
    • Processes and prints insurance documents
    • Prepares document for mail
    • Communicating effectively with client decision makers and other team members
    • Reviewing worksheets, renewal certificates for accuracy, compliance or other insurance objectives.
    • Preparing new and renewal business certificate documents
    • Maintaining client confidentiality


    The Requirements

    • Knowledge of computer software including Word and Excel
    • Knowledge of office procedures, practices and equipment
    • Ability to multitask in a variety of computer programs
    • Ability to succeed in a volume production matrix driven environment
    • Ability to enter, transcribe, store and maintain data electronically
    • Ability to evaluate information against a given standard
    • Ability to understand written information in work related documents
    • Oral & Written Communication Skills
    • Ability to work under stress in a high volume environment
    • Interpersonal skills
    • Ability to work in a team setting
    • College diploma or degree preferred
    • Qualified candidates will be those who demonstrate the following skills:  effective verbal and written communication, time management and prioritization, strong attention to detail, customer service capabilities and commitment to personnel growth.
    • Proficiency in computer skills including Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and the ability to navigate within the Internet required

    Equal Opportunity Employer

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