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    Claims Executive

    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

    Claims Executive

    • 202408121
    • Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
    • Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
    • Fermeture le: mars 31 2025


    Role description

    • Contribute to design of account specific instructions for claim handling
    • Basic training to ensure client understands claims process and any specific instructions
    • Post delivery internal review on lessons learned, colleague feedback and development
    • Attend client meetings supporting pre-placement and renewal planning
    • Facilitate claim event reporting with frequency and information required by clients or LOB
    • Prepare and run operational client meetings, regular client contact regarding on-going claims
    • Face-to-face meetings with clients when an incident occurs
    • Identify revenue opportunities
    • Track plan experience, resulting in loss ratio analysis
    • Analyze incurred & paid claims
    • Receive incident / event / enquiry
    • Register new claims / enquiry and document management
    • Verify validity of claim / event to policy (or policies) or plan coverage documentation and rules
    • Investigate claims 
    • Assess coverage
    • Gather information on incidents / claims events needed for assessment
    • Advice on adjusters, lawyers or other experts
    • Receive lawsuits and court rulings 
    • Advice on the procedural strategy and provide information throughout the entire judicial process
    • Follow-up claims with adjusters, lawyers and other experts
    • Notify / instruct  carriers
    • Manage negotiation process from beginning to agreement settlement or resolution
    • Provide clear and timely information regarding claim to clients
    • Create and share relevant documentation with clients
    • Proactively help with obtaining prompt and fair settlement from carriers / clients 
    • Update claims and document management
    • Provide SPOE (second pair of eyes)  where requested
    • Ensure any Claim Service Level Agreement checks are completed



    • Preferably Bachelor`s degree,  or relevant industry experience
    • Knowledge of legislation that affects the brokerage  activity (Example: GPDR, Insurance contract Law, Insurance brokerage law)
    • Knowledge or experience in some subject
    • Strong Spanish and English language communications skills required (written and spoken)
    • Advanced management in Microsoft Office


    • Customer & Service oriented
    • High degree of analytical thinking, problem solver
    • Acting as quality gate, ensuring high service quality
    • Experience in building and maintaining relationships
    • Strong business sense, commercial
    • Good communication and networking skills 
    • Ability to explain complex issues
    • Providing guidance, sparring and support to other team members
    • Innovative, creative and focused on details/delivery 
    • Communicative, empathetic, good listener, organized, problem solver, manage ambiguity, ability to prioritize
    • Proactive, agile, results focused, team worker

    WTW an Equal Opportunity Employer

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