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    Cloud Operations Engineer (TD_2024_97R)


    Cloud Operations Engineer (TD_2024_97R)

    • 202406598
    • Philippines
    • Fermeture le: mars 31 2025


    This role will primarily focus on providing technical capability to the ICT Consultancy business on their technology and related IT requirements to execute client proposals and projects. There may be direct support to key client projects as required, providing a link between Consultancy teams and Corporate IT and / or ICT’s Technology Support and Cloud Operations team.. The role will be primarily working EMEA shift, but may be required to alternate to other regional shift patterns for specific projects.

    The Role

    The responsibilities of the Cloud Engineer will include:

    • Understanding of WTW applications, solutions and services that are utilised by ICT Consultancy
    • Understanding of non WTW applications and solutions that are utilised by ICT Consultancy
    • Work with team members to build in automation scripts, processes and tools across the CTS estate
    • Support continuous improvement of cloud technologies including automation, IaC (infrastructure as Code) and Security by Design?
    • Assisting CTS Implementation Team with key implementation and automation activities to ensure ICT Consultancy deadlines are met
    • Guidance and coordination with the wider Cloud Operations team (in Manila), including training, instruction on automation processes and peer review
    • Working with the wider Cloud Operations team in Manila to ensure that the appropriate operational tools and requirements are included, e.g. monitoring solutions, high availability services
    • Perform infrastructure and solution testing, including performance benchmarking, end-to-end testing, disaster recovery, etc.
    • Hand over to the Cloud Operations team (in Manila) for BAU
    • Produce detailed, high-quality documentation of delivered work and processes
    • Work within boundaries set by ICT and Corporate IT policies and processes, for example Azure Governance


    The Requirements

    • Knowledge and experience working on implementation of Azure production environments and services such as Virtual Machines, Azure Virtual Desktop, Azure SQL and Automation Accounts
    • Experience and/or awareness of development best practices such as version control, branching strategies, code reviews, maintainability and readability of code
    • Demonstrable skills suited to delivering our production services, including:
      • Experience using Windows Operating Systems (Windows 10 & 11, Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022), Active Directory/Entra ID
      • Good understanding of provisioning and configuration systems such as DSC, ARM
      • Demonstrable experience with scripting technologies such as PowerShell & Python
      • Experience or familiarity with Automation & Infrastructure as Code Technologies such as Azure DevOps, Puppet, Pulumi, etc.
      • Knowledge of SQL: 2019; SSRS, SSIS, SSAS; SQL Azure
      • Exposure to Windows containers and orchestration platforms
    • Experience in working in teams operating 24x7 critical services
    • Experience in working in a globally diverse team with a wide range of stakeholders
    • Ability to work independently or part of an extended team
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills
    • High attention to detail and testing execution
    • Proactive drive to learn new technologies 
    • Successful evidence of working with client requirements for automation or implementation projects

    WTW is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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