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    Finance Analyst - Korea

    Jung District, Seoul, South Korea

    Finance Analyst - Korea

    • 202500379
    • Jung District, Seoul, South Korea
    • Fermeture le: Nov 30 2025


    The Business 

    The Finance function serves both internal and external customers: Colleagues within our company, client organizations, shareholders, financial institutions, vendors and regulatory agencies around the world.

    The Role 

    Duties and responsibilities will include but not be limited to: 

    • Perform the accounts payable department 
    • Support the month end, quarte end and year end closing process
    • Support our tax professionals in preparing quarterly estimates and annual returns
    • Support treasury tasks, local tax filings, internal / external audit and other finance ad-hoc tasks
    • Help establish company best practices related to accounting



    The Requirements


    • Bachelor’s degree in accounting and business administration 
    • 1 – 2 years working experience in finance team 
    • Experience of accounting systems  
    • Knowledge of standard accounting and bookkeeping principles and best practices
    • Ability to effectively manage multiple priorities at the same time, whether working independently or as part of a team
    • Excellent computer skills using Power Point, Microsoft Word, and Excel 
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills 
    • Ability to maintain strict confidentiality of company financial information
    • Must be analytical & good at figures and able to exercise due diligence


    • Experience in an accounting role (AP) 
    • Professional level of written and spoken English 

    How to apply

    • 접수방법 : WTW TA 포털을 통해 지원
    • 제출서류 : 국/영문 이력서 및 영문 Cover Letter (모두 작성 후, 반드시 MS Word의 하나의 파일로 통합해서 제출 요망)
    • 접수마감 : 채용시까지 
    • 전형방법 : 서류 전형  -> 인/적성 검사 -> 1차 팀장면접 (서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별 통지)  -> 2차 Regional office 면접 (1차 면접 합격자에 한해 개별통지) -> 3차 대표이사 면접( 2차 면접 합격자에 한해 개별통지)


    • 고용 형태 : 정규직
    • 급여 : 회사 내규에 따름

    Equal Opportunity Employer


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