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    Health & Benefits Sales Associate Director

    Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

    Health & Benefits Sales Associate Director

    • 202403240
    • Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
    • Closing on: Oct 31 2024


    The opportunity is to develop new businesses in Health & Benefits.

    In this position the candidate must have a consultative profile, will be responsible for defining and executing sales strategies, market positioning, creating a sales pipeline, prospecting for new business.

    Working together with colleagues in the H&B areas, the candidate must demonstrate great sales, teamwork and leadership skills to increase the number of customers and revenues.

    Working closely with the S&CM team, candidate must also work collaboratively to identify new opportunities.

    The Role

    • Responsible for expanding new businesses in the Health & Benefits market.
    • Prospecting companies for market levels (e.g. Large and Medium Market).
    • Plan sales strategies, market mapping, lead generation, approaches, scheduling meetings, presentation of value propositions, projects, closing, negotiation, formalization of contracts and financial alignment.
    • Feed the CRM tool and the entire performance evolution process, to guarantee pipeline management.
    • Knowledge of insurer products and promotion of good relationships with the commercial partners.
    • Responsible for generating indicators related to the sales process and proposals.
    • Responsible for the intermediation between the internal areas of the company (Broking, operations, Client Facing and IT) for the coordination and preparation of the technical proposal and RFP. Following our Professional Excellence Model.
    • Responsible for expanding the Market Share in prospects (all H&B products).
    • Sales funnel offer; Responsible for communication between areas of the company: Cross Selling and Cross Lead.
    • Responsible for proposing and creating an external agenda (events, webcast, etc).


    The Requirements

    • Experience in the commercial area of Insurance in the benefits area (medical expenses, health and life) in Leadership positions.
    • Leadership Spirit for the management of internal projects.
    • Knowledge of trends in benefits.
    • Experience in Brokers and/or insurance companies in benefits and commercial functions.
    • Experience working with different areas of the company.
    • Consultative profile, Hunter and with high persuasion skills.
    • Intensive teamwork and leadership
    • Ability to generate empathy and good first impressions with customers and prospects.
    • Disciplined with organization of processes and internal controls (support systems).
    • Experience in the insurance market, specifically in Health & Benefits.
    • Results orientation and commitment to goals.
    • Desirable client portfolio and/or developed pipeline.
    • Mastery of the Office Package (mainly PowerPoint and Excel).

    Equal Opportunity Employer

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