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    Microsoft SQL Developer

    Mexico City, Mexico

    Microsoft SQL Developer

    • 202406394
    • Mexico City, Mexico
    • Closing on: Oct 7 2025


    A successful candidate will be joining a 8-person sub-team that operates within an Investments software development team, currently consisting of 26 developers. The team has developed a data solution that automates collection, cleansing, transformation and distribution of market and client data to the Investments line of business and other parts of WTW globally.

    The Role

    Your primary responsibility will be the continued development and support of the data solution which is relied upon by a wide range of applications both internal and client-facing.  As part of the development team, you’ll be expected to:

    • Develop knowledge of the existing solution and an understanding of business needs and processes, to assist you in making appropriate recommendations and contributing effectively
    • Deal professionally, incisively, and in a timely manner with users, project managers, and stakeholders, and effectively manage their expectations
    • Take ownership of solutions for their full life cycle
    • Have an interest in Azure/cloud concepts and services as well as in the underlying data and related business processes 
    • Have a keen eye for detail and hold yourself to a standard of high-quality, accurate work
    • Be passionate about putting clients first, responding quickly to their queries and requests





    Skills & Experience

    The candidate will:

    • Have at least 3 years of experience with good knowledge of SQL Server development  
    • And/or desire to attain expertise in:
      • C# development
      • Power Platform / BI development
      • Parsing, storing, and querying varied datasets
      • Working with financial market and client data
    • Be a logical thinker, problem solver, diligent worker, and team player who thrives in a collegiate atmosphere

    Development environment & resources

    • Language/frameworks: Primarily C# and T-SQL, .Net Framework, and .Net Core.
    • Source control: Azure DevOps.
    • IDE: Visual Studio 2022 with ReSharper; SQL Studio Management Services / Azure Data Studio with SQL Prompt; Power Platform; Power BI Service; Power BI Desktop



    Equal Opportunity Employer


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