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    Project Coordinator (EMEA / US Shift)

    Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines

    Project Coordinator (EMEA / US Shift)

    • 202501768
    • Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines
    • Fermeture le: mai 30 2025


    The Role

    We are looking for a qualified Project Manager to join our team. You will be responsible for the day-today coordination communication, and smooth scheduling of various digital projects, including product launches, online tools, campaigns, and web applications. 

    For this position, we expect you to be a tech-savvy professional with an in-depth understanding of how technology can help us achieve our business goals. You should be methodical and have excellent time management skills. As a Project Manager, you should also use your communication skills to collaborate effectively with various teams.

    Ultimately, you should be able to manage and deliver our projects’ digital lifecycle within quality, time, and budget requirements.


    • Acknowledge requests from project teams
    • Understanding the scope required to be able to deliver the expected output from Digital’s line up of solutions and its cross-functional teams
    • Coordinate, document, and scope for accuracy and completeness
    • Create a schedule of work by assigning projects efficiently and effectively to the right designer or programmer, making sure that the team is efficiently utilized
    • Monitor and inform stakeholders about project status, people status, milestones, levels of effort and budget updates
    • Manage workflow and achieve a seamless exchange of project details and deliverables, including work handovers
    • Identifying risks such as capacity issues, changes in scope, product errors, etc. and proactively resolving them
    • Establish a good relationship with stakeholders
    • Record development usage fees
    • Participate in operational and strategic events such as team scrums, alignment calls, process or product improvement ideations, and brainstorming sessions


    The Requirements

    • 3+ years of proven work as a Business Analyst, Business Process Analyst, Project Coordinator, Planner, Workflow Coordinator or Process Controller
    • Worked with any project management tool (JIRA, Trello)
    • Worked with digital products such as websites, web apps, videos, email campaigns, and online magazines
    • Technical background in web development is a plus (HTML, CSS, CMS platforms)
    • Experience in visual communication, product development, and content management is a plus
    • Excellent time management skills
    • Effective communication skills, both verbal and written
    • Confident and proactive in communication
    • Organized, detail-oriented, and goals-driven
    • Ability to multi-task and prioritize

    WTW is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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