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    Software Engineer

    Lima, Callao Region, Peru

    Software Engineer

    • 202500301
    • Lima, Callao Region, Peru
    • Fermeture le: Jan 16 2026


    Our engineering team has built the largest private Medicare marketplace in the country (US). We passionately focus on the continuous improvement of the systems we build and the culture we promote. We build a platform that provides the best possible support to our customers who are shopping for insurance, and where our insurance carriers can be confident that their products are accurately and impartially represented.   


    We are looking for a Software Engineer to join our team. You should value expertise and a passion for the craft of Software Engineering. You should be able to recognize and stay up to date on current techniques and tools, but also be prudent knowing what is and isn’t a good fit. 


    Job Responsibilities


    • Build software primarily using C# on .NET 4.6+ and/or .NET Core, as well as HTML5, JavaScript, CSS 
    • Gain the skills necessary to be a full-stack engineer if not already possessed 
    • Write automated tests 
    • Perform code reviews 
    • Work and communicate effectively in a team environment 
    • Leverage your ideas and experience, but be open to the ideas of others 


    Job Requirements


    We’re looking for individuals who love building software. You should have experience, but always be willing to learn new things. You should be picky about the type of environment you want to work in because that matters just as much as the pay you would receive. You will also meet most of the following requirements: 


    • 5+ years of software development experience 
    • Experience with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and object-oriented programming languages 
    • Experience with C#, .NET, .NET Core,  
    • Experience with Azure, ES6/ES2015, ReactJS is a plus 
    • Consider automated testing an important discipline while writing software 
    • Accept ownership of your work and the overall project 
    • Good at communicating ideas as well as hearing others 
    • Strong object-oriented design skills


    **We are an equal opportunity employer**

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