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    Technology and Cyber Issues Management Analyst

    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

    Technology and Cyber Issues Management Analyst

    • 202405004
    • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    • Fermeture le: mars 19 2025


    This role will support the ongoing operations of WTW Technology and Cyber Risk and Controls & Regulatory engagement function in:


    • Knowledge and experience of Governance, Risk and Controls framework and related processes.
    • Experience of implementations using Agile approach and practices.
    • Experience of technology and cyber risk and issue management.
    • Experience and thorough understanding of technology and cyber controls.
    • Knowledge and understanding of Information Security Frameworks and standards (FFIEC, NIST, ISO etc.)
    • Ability to work as part of a team or solo.
    • Excellent Communication skills, especially written English
    • Detail-oriented and capable of delivering at a high level of accuracy.
    • Experience of analyzing reporting submissions for completeness and accuracy and addressing areas of concern with contributors.
    • Proven ability to priorities conflicting deadlines and priorities and respond quickly to changing priorities.
    • Able to interpret & present data and information in the appropriate format for different audiences.
    • Strong stakeholder management
    • The ability to foster and grow relationships, constructive challenge and negotiation skills.
    • Experience of working in a live operational environment with an understanding of the impact of policy adherence is desirable.
    • Addressing and resolving issues coming from multiple sources in a consistent manner 
    • Define a consistent process for effective issue identification, logging, analysis, prioritization, ownership, and close
    • Consistent communication for ownership, status, resolution, reporting, and escalation
    • Proactive and agile management of issues to resolution
    • Identifying Technology/Security issues arising from projects/programs
    • Develop and maintain Issue Management procedures

    Support reporting capability for issues management to ensure adequate governance and oversight



    • Educated to degree level or equivalent. 
    • Hold professional qualifications in a related subject for example, CRISC, CISSP, CISM, CISA
    • 7 years + experience in technology role (with proven experience of active management of technology issues (for example, in projects, technical SME areas etc.). 
    • Experience of working within a global financial organization  


    • Resourcefulness and organizational agility
    • Global team player with good interpersonal and influencing skills.
    • Conflict management resolution (options analysis)
    • Customer focus, integrity and trust
    • Personal learning & development
    • Resourcefulness and organizational agility
    • Global team player with good interpersonal and influencing skills.
    • Conflict management resolution (options analysis)
    • Customer focus, integrity and trust
    • Personal learning & development 

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