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    Associate_China insurance sales network

    Beijing, China. Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. Shanghai, China

    Associate_China insurance sales network

    • 202405206
    • Beijing, China
    • Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
    • Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
    • Shanghai, China

    Suite Moins

    • Closing on: Dec 31 2024


    The responsibilities:

    1. Understand market information and customer pain points, identify potential customer resources, and develop;                         
    2. Maintain good communication with existing customers and deep dive into business opportunities;                           
    3. Assist department heads in expanding the company’s customer base.                  
    4. Assist department heads in team building
    5. Achieve the performance indicators of the individual set by the department head for the current year through the necessary sales behaviors;


    1. 了解市场信息及客户痛点,发觉潜在客户资源并进行开拓发展;                   
    2. 与现有客户保持良好沟通与业务机会深挖;                            
    3. 协助部门负责人扩充公司客户群。                             
    4. 协助部门负责人进行团队建设    
    5. 通过必要的销售行为,达成部门负责人设定的个人当年度的业绩指标;


    The Requirements

    1. Have more than 3-5 years of experience with insurance brokers and are familiar with the insurance market; 
    2. Has strong business development, negotiation and communication and collaboration skills; 
    3. High level of teamwork; 
    4. Able to adapt to strong work intensity and be able to arrange and complete reasonably;    
    5. Strong computer work ability (such as Excel, PPT, etc.);


    1. 具有保险经纪人相关经验3-5 年以上并熟悉保险市场;
    2. 具备较强的业务开拓能力、谈判能力及沟通协作能力;
    3. 具备高度团队协作能力;
    4. 能够适应较强的工作强度并能够合理安排与完成;                         
    5. 较强的计算机工作能力(如Excel、PPT等);

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