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    Marine Head Argentina

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Marine Head Argentina

    • 202405621
    • Buenos Aires, Argentina
    • Fermeture le: avr. 1 2025


    The Role

    • Drive Line of Business (LoB) P&L in Argentina.
    • Manage LoB pipeline and sales opportunities working closely with business and LoB heads, Lead Client Relationship Director, other geographic / regional heads, and industry leader.
    • Oversees geographic / regional marketing efforts.
    • Drives geographic value proposition and product development.
    • Manage and develop geographic LoB team and accountable for all talent reporting to that team.
    • Leverage our client value propositions, deep industry and product specialization to win new business.
    • Collaborate with other parts of the group/different geographies to ensure we give clients the best offering for their business.
    • Contribute to activities to support sales and client KPIs including retention, cross-sell, win rate, pipeline coverage, reduced cost of sales.
    • Fully support the One WTW strategy of Grow, Transform & Simplify and conduct yourself in a manner that supports the company’s objective of delivering the right outcomes for WTW customers.
    • Contribute to the delivery of the Regional Marine budgeted growth in revenue and adjusted operating margin, including revenue-producing investments tracking to plan. Understand, align to and communicate the plan to deliver CRB’s Transformation activities and savings, with full achievement of targets and sufficient progress toward the overall target.
    • Improve technical levels of expertise & best practices.
    • Commit to innovation activities, leverage best practices and improve our ability to commercialize and scale our ideas and solutions.
    • Follow Enterprise Risk Management guidance and ensure ongoing adherence to all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and ensuring all LOB RACAs are kept up to date and used in the business.
    • Continue our environmental, social and governance efforts both externally and internally, considering the expectations of clients, colleagues, and shareholders


    The Requirements


    • Preferably educated to a degree, or MBA level (or country equivalent)
    • Spanish/ English required
    • Minimum 10 years in marine insurance / reinsurance Argentinian market
    • Management experience


    • Excellent leadership skills, with a proven track record of developing people
    • Strong skills in problem solving, planning and budgeting
    • High levels of business and financial acumen with an understanding of company strategy and change management
    • Proven track record of delivering new business against challenging sales targets
    • Excellent stakeholder management skills with the ability to influence within a matrix environment
    • Strong facilitation skills – able to use inclusive and collaborative styles to manage ambiguity and gain agreement
    • Strong communication, negotiation and influencing skills

    Equal Oppportunity Employer


    Búsqueda laboral equitativa

    El empleador solo podrá solicitarle la información estrictamente necesaria para el desempeño en el trabajo que se ofrece

    (Ley 6471)

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