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    Lead Associate, Broking - Property & Casualty


    Lead Associate, Broking - Property & Casualty

    • 202500880
    • Singapore
    • Fermeture le: mai 1 2025


    The Role

    • Working as part of the account team, you are responsible for day-to-day servicing to a portfolio of large corporate and international clients and ensuring timely delivery of high- quality service
    • Understand clients' business and risk management needs and support senior account management to look for solutions to deliver those needs through the provision of on-going service, including cross-selling across all products
    • Support account team to ensure work with account team to build and maintain a close business relationship with client
    • Identify sales opportunities to deliver the team's annual budget and support sales pitches
    • Ensure ongoing compliance with WTW's guidelines and procedures
    • A thorough understanding and an expert real time user for all relevant documentation/ processing sustems
    • Developing and maintaining general knowledge and experience of the (re)insurance market as a whole, recognise and explain trends, general carrier capabilities and competitiveness.
    • Constantly keeping abreast of insurance product developments
    • Coordinate and collaborate with specialists, consultants, industry experts, and other critical team members across WTW segments and geographies to bring the full capabilities of WTW to the client and ensure a streamlined client experience


    The Requirements

    • Holds the relevant insurance certificates - BCP, ComGI and/or PGI
      Ability to understand a client or prospect's business, situations, opportunities, problems and key issues
    • Ability to work under time pressure to ensure prompt service delivery
    • Prepare client and prospect presentations
    • Independent and self-motivated individual who consistently strive to deliver the best for WTW' s clients
    • May hold regulatory licenses, permissions and technical or other requirements
    • applicable under local legislation
    • In the absence of such, will be aware of and adhere to relevant regulations

    Equal Opportunity Employer

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