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    Global Certificate Center - Team Lead

    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

    Global Certificate Center - Team Lead

    • 202408044
    • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    • Closing on: Jan 24 2025


    Principal Duties/Responsibilities


    People management/ development:

    • Adhere to the Operations Engagement Framework.
    • Performance Management - Support objective setting for direct reports and review them mid-year for any changes 
    • Effective Communicate regularly with team members via Monthly reviews and team meetings
    • Manage and delegate work fairly and effectively within the team
    • Mentoring, OJT, coaching for new/junior team colleagues
    • Identify and develop leadership qualities in individuals and groom them for the next level
    • Responsible for managing team engagement and retention
    • Monthly nominations for SPOT award, R&R and recognition people through various Monetary/Non-Monetary channels
    • Tracking monthly progress of the new joiners along with mentors.
    • Recognize high performers and engage them with right opportunity.
    • Identify performance issues and work closely with HR to resolve Performance Improvement Plan
    • Conduct interviews for hiring of talent
    • Identifying development needs for both individuals and the team as a whole. 
    • Works with L&OD to optimize training and development opportunities
    • Effective Engagement and Retention of his/her team

    KPI Management

    • Deliver/ Manage KPI's and metrics in line with the prescribed targets and provide updates on progress to Manager. Analyze performance, identify trends and make recommendations to improve team performance.
    • Meet with key stakeholders to discuss metric performance and issues


    Capacity Management

    Regular capacity review (using FTE calculation) of the team, to ensure equal work distribution and tracking overtime. Manage resources efficiently through peaks and troughs in the business cycle. Develop resource plans and plans for contingencies

    Manage Escalations

    • Manage escalations on daily basis. Ensure agreed escalation procedures are adhered to by the team.


    Technical Process Management

    • Ensure team adherence to various compliance mandates.


    Operations Management/Operational Effectiveness

    • Drive OPEX principles. Facilitate best practice sharing
    • Conduct huddles with the team
    • Ensure visual display board is updated and in line with prescribed guidelines.
    • Proactively support key initiatives that have been delivered to implement change.


    Adhoc Tasks

    • Complete ad-hoc tasks as directed by Manager/Operations Manager.


    Relationship management

    • Participate and contribute in meetings with Sr. Leadership, Management and Cross Business Unit (Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Adhoc calls).
    • Ensure ongoing, sustainable and dynamic relationships with stakeholders and Client Management Team to manage their expectations.

    Data Management

    Data collation as required e.g. MI reviews/HR/IT


    Top  Competencies

    • Focusing on Clients
    • Working in Teams
    • Driving Excellence
    • Fostering Innovation
    • Adapting to Change 
    • Developing Talent
    • Managing Stakeholders

    Other Skills Required:

    • Impactful Communication 
    • Interpersonal Skills
    • MS office/Presentation skills
    • Excel Basic
    • Logical Thinking
    • Business Acumen



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    Pour être une agence / un cabinet de recrutement autorisé par Willis Towers Watson, cette agence / ce cabinet doit avoir un accord écrit formel existant signé par un recruteur autorisé de Willis Towers Watson et être dans une relation de travail active avec l’organisation.

    Les CV doivent être soumis conformément à notre processus de présentation de candidats, ce qui inclut le fait d’être activement engagé dans la recherche en question. De même, pour nos agences de recrutement/firmes de recherche autorisées, si le processus de présentation de candidats n’est pas respecté, aucun frais d’agence ne sera payé par Willis Towers Watson.

    Willis Towers Watson est un employeur promouvant l’égalité des chances. Si vous souhaitez que vos coordonnées soient sauvegardées en vue d’un examen ultérieur, veuillez envoyer un courriel à : Agency.inquiries@willistowerswatson.com .

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