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    Software Engineer in Test (Mid Shift)


    Software Engineer in Test (Mid Shift)

    • 202404232
    • Philippines
    • Closing on: Dec 31 2024


    We are looking for an Automation Engineer to join our Development team. You should value expertise and a passion for the craft of software development and software test automation. You should be able to recognize and stay up to date on current techniques and tools, but also be pragmatic at knowing what is and isn’t a good fit.

    The Role

    • Create robust, scalable, and high quality test automation solutions to be utilized across all of Product and Technology
    • Assist the Development teams with building, customizing, deploying, and managing the environment/ test automation frameworks
    • Perform both functional and non-functional testing as necessary including performance, security, accessibility, unity, system and user acceptance
    • Participate in discussions regarding testing framework and methodologies
    • Work with the team to resolve issues
    • Contribute to the ongoing evolution of the quality methodology to sustain and enhance ongoing product quality.
    • Work and communicate effectively in an agile team environment
      Mentor others on the team, but be open to others’ ideas


    The Requirements

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems, or related field; Advanced degree preferred
    • 3+ years of software quality engineering, software application and software test automation
    • Experience with principles of ALM and software development methodologies preferred
    • Experience with load and performance testing tools preferred
    • Experience with testing automation tools and frameworks preferred
    • Experience in Selenium 
    • Effective communication and documentation skills required
    • Experience in employee benefits, insurance, healthcare, or wealth management preferred
    • Certifications or professional training in software engineering principles such as test automation.
    • Experience with Agile methodologies including Scrum framework and Kanban preferred

    WTW is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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    Les CV doivent être soumis conformément à notre processus de présentation de candidats, ce qui inclut le fait d’être activement engagé dans la recherche en question. De même, pour nos agences de recrutement/firmes de recherche autorisées, si le processus de présentation de candidats n’est pas respecté, aucun frais d’agence ne sera payé par Willis Towers Watson.

    Willis Towers Watson est un employeur promouvant l’égalité des chances. Si vous souhaitez que vos coordonnées soient sauvegardées en vue d’un examen ultérieur, veuillez envoyer un courriel à : Agency.inquiries@willistowerswatson.com .

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