Para se manter informado(a) sobre novas vagas:
    Junte-se à nossa Rede de Talentos

    Nossas histórias

    Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Male, Man, Glasses, Wristwatch, People, Monitor

    Acreditamos que nossas semelhanças nos unem e nossas diferenças nos tornam mais fortes. Com mais de 45.000 colegas em todo o mundo, nosso sucesso se baseia na inclusão, diversidade e trabalho em equipe.

    Aqui, nossos colegas nos contam suas histórias e experiências em suas próprias palavras; compartilhar como é realmente a vida na Willis Towers Watson.

    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Formal Wear, Tie, Suit, Adult, Man
    Meet the team: Benjamin Tessier
    Head, Person, Face, Neck, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, Man
    Meet the team: Dom Ferrari
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Neck, Smile, Brown Hair, Hair, Hairdresser
    Meet the team: Emily Reading
    Face, Head, Neck, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Adult, Female, Woman
    Meet the team: Emma White
    Accessories, Formal Wear, Tie, Necktie, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Suit, Head
    Meet the team: Karan Patel
    Head, Person, Face, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Adult, Male, Man, Neck
    Meet the team: Nuno Arruda
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Formal Wear, Adult, Male, Man
    Meet the team: Alberto Mondelli
    Glasses, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Blazer, Formal Wear, Suit, Man
    Meet the team: Anshul Garg
    Accessories, Earring, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Neck, Woman
    Meet the team: Charlie (Charlotte) Garrod
    Black Hair, Hair, Person, Head, Face, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman
    Meet the team: Jasmin Bedi
    Head, Person, Face, Smile, Dimples, Adult, Female, Woman, Portrait, Sweater
    Meet the team: Karan Rai
    Accessories, Glasses, Photography, Person, Portrait, Formal Wear, Tie, Suit, Adult, Man
    Meet the team: Kingsley Wang
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Neck, Adult, Female, Woman, Necklace
    Meet the team: Laura Punzón
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Adult, Female, Woman, Neck
    Meet the team: Suzanne Vaughan

    Exibindo todas as   14 entradas