Para se manter informado(a) sobre novas vagas:
    Junte-se à nossa Rede de Talentos

    Nossas histórias

    Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Male, Man, Glasses, Wristwatch, People, Monitor

    Acreditamos que nossas semelhanças nos unem e nossas diferenças nos tornam mais fortes. Com mais de 45.000 colegas em todo o mundo, nosso sucesso se baseia na inclusão, diversidade e trabalho em equipe.

    Aqui, nossos colegas nos contam suas histórias e experiências em suas próprias palavras; compartilhar como é realmente a vida na Willis Towers Watson.

    Table, Computer Keyboard, Desk, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Monitor, Glasses, Laptop
    Meet WTW’s 2020 HR Rising Star, Anna Stonelake
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Formal Wear, Tie, Suit, Adult, Man
    Meet the team: Benjamin Tessier
    Head, Person, Face, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Adult, Male, Man, Neck
    Meet the team: Nuno Arruda
    Head, Person, Face, Neck, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, Man
    Meet the team: Dom Ferrari
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Neck, Smile, Brown Hair, Hair, Hairdresser
    Meet the team: Emily Reading
    Face, Head, Neck, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Adult, Female, Woman
    Meet the team: Emma White
    Accessories, Formal Wear, Tie, Necktie, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Suit, Head
    Meet the team: Karan Patel
    Beard, Face, Head, Person, Adult, Male, Man, Happy, Smile
    Boomerang Colleagues: My journey as a WTW Returner
    Head, Photography, Portrait, Formal Wear, Suit, Blazer, Coat, Jacket, Smile, People
    My WTW: Winning wellbeing initiatives and my career's journey through multiple roles
    Face, Head, Person, Portrait, Smile, Neck, Accessories, Adult, Female, Woman
    My WTW: Growing up at and with WTW
    Face, Head, Person, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Dimples, Formal Wear, Adult, Man
    My WTW: Adjusting to the ‘new normal’ while working from home
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Adult, Female, Woman, Neck
    Meet the team: Suzanne Vaughan
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Neck, Tattoo
    Meet the team: Poonam Yadav
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Neck, Adult, Female, Woman, Necklace
    Meet the team: Laura Punzón
    Accessories, Glasses, Photography, Person, Portrait, Formal Wear, Tie, Suit, Adult, Man
    Meet the team: Kingsley Wang
    Head, Person, Face, Smile, Dimples, Adult, Female, Woman, Portrait, Sweater
    Meet the team: Karan Rai
    Black Hair, Hair, Person, Head, Face, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman
    Meet the team: Jasmin Bedi
    Accessories, Earring, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Neck, Woman
    Meet the team: Charlie (Charlotte) Garrod
    Glasses, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Blazer, Formal Wear, Suit, Man
    Meet the team: Anshul Garg
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Formal Wear, Adult, Male, Man
    Meet the team: Alberto Mondelli
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Coat, Black Hair, Blazer, Woman
    Career Milestones: Sharan Bath celebrates 10 years at WTW
    Cap, Hat, People, Person, Baseball Cap, Arena, Adult, Male, Man, Glasses
    How I maintain the perfect work-life balance at WTW
    Adult, Male, Man, Person, Head, Face, Female, Woman, Weapon, Gun
    Creating connections between speech and hearing-impaired colleagues
    Table, Desk, Glasses, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Face, Head, Portrait
    A day in the life of Shadab Hemani, Analyst, Dubai
    Clothing, T-Shirt, Hair, Person, Face, Head, Photography, Portrait, Ponytail
    Putting actions into words
    Photography, Portrait, Summer, Vegetation, T-Shirt, People, Blouse, Tree, Shorts, Street
    Returning to work after a career break
    Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Long Sleeve, Adult, Female, Woman, Smile
    Boomerang Colleagues: Why I Returned to WTW
    Face, Head, Neck, Person, Smile, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Dimples

    Exibindo todas as   29 entradas