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    Associate_China Insurance Broker_Energy Upstream team_BJ

    Beijing, China

    Associate_China Insurance Broker_Energy Upstream team_BJ

    • 202404700
    • Beijing, China
    • Closing on: Nov 30 2024


    The Role:

    1.Responsible for multinational and local client services including renewal, insurance or claim consultancy, regular visit, training and etc. 

    2.Assist the team to maintain existing customers and develop new customers in ultimate purpose of profitability of the company by gathering, analyzing and translating information. 

    3.Ensure all businesses are in complying with laws, regulations and rules set by external regulators, and internal compliance requirements. 

    4.Proactively monitor and chase up age of account receivables in a timely and traceable manner to minimize bad debit risks. 

    5.Working with other Sectors to share knowledge, skills, experiences and resources in purpose of constant improvement on overall performance of the company. 

    6.Risk management for the client and to work in coordination with Risk Management Department, Claim Department and insurance company for it. 

    7.Penetration to the existing client, including insurance proposal, (re)insurance placement. 

    8.To update the client with market news and trends. 

    9.Follow the end-to-end broking process to adequately meet internal policies and procedures. 


    The Requirements:

    1. Bachelor’s degree or above, preferably majoring in Insurance, Finance, International Trade, or Law. 

    2. 3 to 5 years of insurance relevant working experience. Good understanding of the broking business and markets is preferred. 

    3. Special experience in oil and gas construction and operation is preferred.

    4. Good verbal and written communication skills in Mandarin and English. 

    5. Good problem solving and teamwork, self-accountable and strong ability to take great pressure.

    6. Details oriented and highly sensitive to data, the solid EXCEL / POWER POINT skill is a must. 

    7. Capabilities to deliver independently with reliable performance. 

    8. A robust team player with mature customer servicing skills. 

    9. A quick learner to understand client needs and market trend.

    Equal Opportunity Employer

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