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    Platform Support Engineer (EMEA Shift)


    Platform Support Engineer (EMEA Shift)

    • 202406388
    • Philippines
    • Closing on: Dec 31 2024


    The Role

    • You will take a lead in developing and supporting Azure DevOps CICD pipelines, and play a key role in our production deployments
    • You will monitor the status of our azure environments, resources and data ingestion solutions on a day-to-day basis, responding to any automated alerts or support tickets raised by our consumers or stakeholders.
    • You will help resolve common production incidents and raise tickets by following documented steps. More complex issues you would refer to our project team, whilst keeping consumers updated. 
    • You will investigate more challenging production issues, by troubleshooting, and undertaking root cause analysis and then write clear problems statements to pass to the project team. This could relate to the azure resources, file processing or our data ingestion code.
    • You will work alongside our agile project team to ensure code fixes and data corrections are included in weekly scheduled releases or ‘hot fixes’ deployed by the team.


    The Requirements

    • You must have demonstrable experience developing and supporting Azure DevOps CICD pipelines, including the use of ARM templates / terraform for ‘Infrastructure as code’ and keen to learn more.
    • You must have solid hands-on experience, and confidence in supporting Azure infrastructure and a wide range of azure resources, including Synapse Analytics. 
    • You must have an analytical mind, with proven skills in problem solving, and a strong desire to tackle complex puzzles and ‘get to the bottom’ of what is happening. 
    • You should have sufficient understanding of programming tools such as Azure Data Factory, Web Apps, Logica Apps, Python, Synapse Notebooks, and C# to trace steps in code and diagnose points of failure.
    • It would be beneficial if you are able to query SQL databases to inspect log files and find anomalies or processing failures, using tool such as SSMS, Python or Power BI.
    • You must be able to work effectively as part of a globally distributed team, with the ability to build rapport with colleagues across the organization, and to produce clear technical documentation. 
    • If you are also looking for engagement with emerging Machine Learning and Gen A.I. technology and keen to innovate then you would be a perfect match for this team.

    WTW is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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