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    Power Platform developer

    Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

    Power Platform developer

    • 202406555
    • Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
    • Closing on: Dec 31 2024


    Risk & Broking - Risk Technology team is made up of a cross-functional team of software development specialists, QAs, geospatial information specialists and catastrophe / financial model specialists who bring best-in-class analytics, thought leadership and expertise in designing, building and supporting industry standard risk analysis tools. We're looking for a rigorous and passionate developer to bring their skills, ideas, and drive to our expanding Global team.

    The Role

    This role will be accountable for building and supporting Industry standard power platform applications

    • Hands-on development and support of class leading Power Platform applications and services, using software best practices.
    • Maintaining an awareness of technology trends within and outside of the organization.
    • Sufficient understanding of technical architecture to ensure enhancements and solutions are in line with the vision.
    • Ability to act as a key member of the project team and provide support and advice to more junior members of the team.
    • Detail-oriented with excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
    • Ensure that expected application quality levels are achieved.
    • Participate and recommend prioritization through the project implementation process.
    • Proven oral and written communication skills.
    • Utilize understanding of industry information management trends / software trends to innovate and provide new ideas.
    • Work as equals with development team for optimal design / delivery.


    The Requirements

    • Education: Graduate with Engineering and IT specialization
    • 2-5 years experience
    • Technical skills: Power Apps (Canvas and Model), Power Automate (Cloud and Desktop), Dataverse, Power Virtual Agents, SQL
    • Nice to have: AI Builder, Other non-microsoft automation technologies
    • Soft skills: Communication skills (verbal and written), driving Excellence, fostering Innovation, articulating the vision, developing Talent
    • English C1/C2 and Spanish C1/C2

    This position is a hybrid modality, so candidates must be based in Madrid or be able to travel there on the days they are required to be at the office.

    Equal Opportunity Employer

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