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    Senior Analyst

    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

    Senior Analyst

    • 202501469
    • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    • Schließung am: Mär 21 2025



    Assists with Willis Compliance policies and procedures

    • Work closely withCompliance Business Partners (CBP’s) globally, to support thewider Compliance objectives
    • Engagement calendar to be drawnfor better tracking on areas of discussion and action items
    • Review and approve areas such as; Gifts Entertainment and Hospitality, Outside directorships, assessing Conflicts of Interest risk;Third Party Business Cases, assessing suitability to be put forward for CBP review
    • Conduct periodic monitoring reviews, reporting resultsto the relevant CBP, and ensuring that all incidents are escalated appropriately.
    • Support Compliance Operations and CBP’s globally to maintain Compliance intranets (both business-facing and internal team sites), including: monitoring team adherence to intranet requirements; supporting to draft new content, updating approved content
    • Perform approval tasks with validation and supporting documentation
    • Maintenance of theworkflow tracker andmailboxes to havea thorough mechanism of work incoming and completion along with defined service level agreements, reporting on status on these monthly
    • Quality of workto be tracked and similarly feedback from the stakeholders, framework to be designed in collaboration. Adherence to this and showcasing management information report
    • Engagement with Operational Excellence to reviewany improvements recommended / worked uponby them do not miss any key controls in the process.
    • Adhoc requests to be managedwithin quality standards and defined timelines


    Report outcomes


    • Provide regular updateson relevant compliance metrics and commentary to CBP prior to submission for reporting to management or Senior Management. Updates to cover:
      • Actions takento manage the compliance risks
      • Serious or persistent compliance issues
      • Results of monitoring activity
      • Other relevant matters
    • Discuss all legal and regulatory issueswith CBP and report in the appropriate database/log.
    • Support the Compliance Monitoring team membersin carrying outtheir monitoring reviews and other work, as required.


    Manage performance

    • Create own quarterly action plans to deliver theannual goals and objectives agreed with the CBP or line manager and report on own progress.


    Manage internal relationships

    • Foster close relationships with CBPs globally, andother business supportareas, including GroupLegal, Group Risk and Internal Audit.
    • Co-ordinate with Internal Audit and External Audit on thoseactivities that covercompliance obligations only (during a review and in an ongoing way).



    Communications and Relationships


    • With CBPsglobally, Compliance Operations Director – Global,Financial Crime Director – Third Parties, other central Compliance teams, and with Legal, Risk and Internal Audit as required.



    Top 5 Competencies

    Managing stakeholders 

    Adjusting to change Structuring task

    Presentation & Influencing skills

    Investigating Issues and Evaluating problem


    Required Qualifications, Skills, Knowledge, Experience


    • Degree level.It is possible likely that thejob holder mayalso have a relevant professional qualification – compliance, insurance, accountancy or business.



    • Team playerwith good interpersonal and influencing skills.
    • Ability to work underpressure to tighttimelines and withoutdirect supervision.
    • Possesses a keen eye for details.
    • Excellent analytical problem-solving skills.
    • Strong communication and presentation skills, bothorally and in writing.
    • Commercial awareness – a commercial and pragmatic approach to managing compliance.
    • IT literate – knowledge of Microsoft officepackages needed



    • Experience of working withWTW SharePoint Onlinesites desirable.



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